Grief never ends. But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.

-Author Unknown

I never thought that through my grief and Trauma (yes, with a big T) I would be led to my purpose in life.

Starting in 2009 with the death of our oldest son and then nine years later my husband passing and eventually both of my parents. Death has a way of changing those of us that are still here.

The death of our son was one that I was not emotionally prepared for. I mean, who is? As parents we are supposed to raise our children, not bury them. I learned more through that experience than I had in all my years leading up to it.

Unfortunately, going through that made the death of my husband a familiar pain. Only this time I was better prepared to deal with all of the emotions that would come. I had established routines and habits in my life that helped me to get through that Trauma in a healthier way.

Over the few years following my husbands death in 2018 I was able to focus not only on the tools that help me on the hard days, but to find the programs and certifications that allow me to guide, support and share with others that experience grief.

Flourish Fit Coaching is a space that brings all of the tools that I use for myself as well as ways that I bring to support others. 


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